
FREE 3 day challenge for people who want to feel connected and calm this Christmas

Conversations That Connect:

How to lovingly care for yourself in the  midst of it all

so you can feel connected and calm this Christmas

(even if you’re starting to wonder whether it’s possible to have a loving caring family Christmas)

At this powerful 3 day challenge you will discover and start implementing

Do they really get me?

Resource #1 Imagine speaking your mind with your heart. Knowing how to listen to your inner guidance.

Do they really get me?

Resource # 2 The Courage Expander - we explore communication that usually lands us in hot water, so you can avoid conflict and get on the same page quickly.

Do they really get me?

Resource # 3 Finally accessing your spontaneous generosity without having to overthink the motives of others; giving the gift of nurturing your authentic voice.

Your emotional energy is too precious to be wasting time replaying the same scenarios of the past over and over. Let’s put your energy into creating calm, empowering, confident solutions for the future.

Dec 19-Dec 21 

9am AEDT (Sydney time)

live in the Facebook group Personal Power in Relationships  

FREE yourself from the

saying yes and people pleasing cycle 


reclaim your power

  Is this you?


 Do you want to connect and fill your emotional tank not just your stomach?

♥   Do you think you are listening, but they don’t listen back?

Do you wish your family would really hear you, not just talk into the room?

Do you want to maintain your own space when it feels as if you are in their pockets 

Find out how to CALMLY be in the moment and lovingly care for yourself  so you can eliminate resentment and create connection.

What Others Say

“I came away with some life changing tools to carry on with. Tools that even in the heat of a tense moment I still remember”.

Sarah – GP  Mum  Grandmother

“Before seeing Glyn I was sad and disempowered. I am now  able to express my feelings and release some of the inner turmoil, I understood how to observe without judging and am beginning to express my needs with confidence”

Katie Entrepreneur and Mum of 2 


“I have finally found my internal peace and I like myself again”

Claire A Nurse and Mum of 2

The real names are protected for privacy

Why this is profoundly different to other free events you have attended…

It’s being presented by Personal Power in Relationships specialist Glyn Conlon, who has helped transform countless lives.

It will offer practical, tangible strategies you can apply straight away to create fast and lasting changes that use proven techniques and end the relationship headaches. 

It isn’t created for everyone, it is specifically designed if you find yourself blurting out a yes when seconds later inside you are screaming nooooooo! And those who want to develop boundaries that include self-respect and put you first sometimes. 


Find out HOW TO

lovingly care for yourself in the midst of it all!
So you can feel connected and calm this Christmas